Neelofa Kesal Dengan Sikap Rakyat Malaysia Terhadap PM

Baru-baru ini kecoh diperkatakan oleh keyboard warrior yang mengecam gambar Dato Seri Najib memakai kalungan bunga untuk meraikan hari Thaipusam. (artikel milik Magicalips) Dan ternyata , kecaman hebat rakyat mendapat perhatian selebriti seperti Chef Wan dan juga Neelofa. Bagi kami, memang tidak mudah bergelar PM apabila semua yang dilakukan akan kelihatan salah di mata rakyat. 

Antara petikan kata melalui IG Neelofa, Repost dari IG Chefwan:

While onboard my flight to Kuching i read this article dlm BH. Susah jadi PM ni ada saja yg tak kena.Its his duty as ketua Negara to represent all communities.Tak kan kita ziarah hari perayaan Thaipusam of our Indian brothers and sisters and berpakaian Kurta serta di Kalong kan bunga boleh lari dari Akidah? Bukan ke in Islam segala perbuatan kita is judge upon by our niat dari hati? Bukannya PM pi sembah berhala mereka pun. 

There just too many ustaz dan ustazah yg juga Keyboard warrior out there in social media these days.No wonder other races have lost respect for us due to some of this katak yg masih hidup bawah tempurung!

The world is a mess today and cant we learned from all the mistake make by mcm2 kaum di Africa, Middle East, Russia to even in Asia that we are starting to destroy one another simply because kita tak pandai hormat manusia sesama sendiri.

Religion is so personal.Hang pi solat di rumah dan masjid, jaga family baik2 and buat kebaikan to every people across culture with out judging them siapa masuk syurga and who goes to Neraka tak boleh ke? Dik sebab Nila setitik satu belanga susu menjadi rosak.

With what ISIS have done how do we expect people to respect us when they are so many ignorance people out there and kita pulak menambah kan lagi kekeruhan itu with our silly opinion! Please get our fact right! At last we embarrased our own self with such comment. The World is for everyone. To stay in peace and harmony. Even our religion taught us not to hurt others that are not Muslim by word of mouth or physically but to show love and respect. Lain la kalau Najib dan Kak Mah tu pi angkat kavadi dan pi wail…wail! Depa tu tamu.Ketua Negara nak rapat kan kita semua.Shame on this people sungguh lah!

3 thoughts on “Neelofa Kesal Dengan Sikap Rakyat Malaysia Terhadap PM

  1. Assalamualaikum tuan tanah…tuan pasti ke artikel ni si neelofa yg tulih..
    Cuba check ig CHEFWAN sat…

    Ni post dr chefwan..neelofa hanya repost shj..we are educated enough to understand and we r an adult oledy maa.hohohoho

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